
Málaga in February

February is My Birthday Month. Berlin ist so cold at this time of the year, so I decided to spent my birthday in a wonderful and sunny place. I had just few days off, so it should not be too far away (so definitely in Europe!). I found out, that Malaga is perfect for a short trip in winter and I was not disappointed. The wheather was lovely with temperatures up to 20 degrees. I enjoyed it so much!


There are so many attractions in Malaga. My favourites are: Museo Picasso, Catedral de Malaga, Roman amphitheatre and Alcazaba. I had such a lovely view and wonderful peaceful moments at Castillo de Gibalfaro. It is spectaculary located high on the hill overlooking the city and gives the best views over Malaga.


I loved to walk through the mini-city-jungle Paseo de Espana with its exotic tropical plants and trees. I enjoyed the sun at the Playa de la Malagueta, the city´s main beach and at the best rooftop terraces in the city like Terrace of the Alcazaba.


The winter can be so nice :-))

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    Federica (Mittwoch, 09 Oktober 2019 20:29)

    Ciao moodbird,

    I found your blog on Instagram.
    Thank you for your nice travel report of Málaga during winter time. It's quite inspiring! I can virtually imagine the beautiful scenery and think I'm gonna give it a try too.