Travel and Places

Travel and Places · 01. März 2018
February is My Birthday Month. Berlin ist so cold at this time of the year, so I decided to spent my birthday in a wonderful and sunny place. I had just few days off, so it should not be too far away (so definitely in Europe!). I found out, that Malaga is perfect for a short trip in winter and I was not disappointed. The wheather was lovely with temperatures up to 20 degrees. I enjoyed it so much!
Travel and Places · 31. Oktober 2017
Do you see the rainbow in the sky? I saw it, when i was travelling back home from maldives. I was so sad to leave this paradise, but suddenly the rainbow was there over the paradise island and such a lovely consolation for me!
Travel and Places · 31. Oktober 2017
I have to say that Miami made a big impression on me. Before I travelled there, I have knowed the cool flair of Miami just from the film Scareface with Al Pacino. Art Deco Historic District with its pastel hotels is lovely and with its neon spectacular alt night. South Beach is so cool and being there you feel automatically very cool too 😎. Miami is a lifestyle city through und through! But i also travelled a litte bit so i can present you photos not only from South Beach but also Sanibel...